Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design


We are thrilled to welcome Scotland’s Art Colleges back to Edinburgh for Elements: Festival of Jewellery, Silver and Gold. Elements will provide graduates of Scotland’s Art Colleges with an opportunity to exhibit and sell pieces of contemporary jewellery and silver to the Elements audience.


Laura Cruikshank
Patrycja Swiatkowska
Molly Rigby


Laura Cruikshank creates jewellery informed by the overlapping rhythms of observing, drawing, gathering details and intuitive making, where compositions are playfully arranged and rearranged amongst an ever- growing library of abstracted forms, textures, and subtle movement.

Direct connection to materials through a love of traditional techniques such as; lost wax casting, chasing, keum boo, filigree and chain making, combine to inform an in-depth exploration of miniature details. Each work is constructed with meticulous care and patience and embodies the time and enjoyment imbued by the making process. Laura’s collection aims to inspire curiosity in others for the act of paying attention to the rich, tactile and ever-changing natural environment.


Patrycja Swiatkowska’s contemporary jewellery is inspired by refraction and reflections created by moving water. These are combined together to form a repetitive flowing pattern that creates the illusion of movement through form and materials such as mirrors. This aids in imitating the way light hypnotically bounces off the water's surface creating a mesmerising and calming effect. 


Remembering thick smoke, loud music, friendships and dancing brings you back to your youth. Feeling the connection between people and telling illicit stories is what keeps these memories alive. This is why Molly’s aim is to create pieces which act as memorabilia for the generation before, and the generation in the future. Molly Rigby’s work is inspired by the differences and similarities between clubbing culture now, and clubbing culture in the 90’s and early 00’s. Molly produce pieces which tell peoples’ stories, particularly through text, photography and colour, and Molly uses elements of the photography to inspire shape and form. The techniques Molly uses include powder coating, enamel decals and electronics.

Eda Obermanns2023, Colleges